
Alcohol addiction and alcoholism is a serious problem for many people in Folkston, GA. Alcohol is a drug, but due to the acceptance of its use and abuse in society it doesn't carry the same negative connotations as other drugs. Alcohol is extremely addictive however and has destroyed many lives.

Alcohol abuse in Folkston may begin because the individual may be experiencing a problem or loss and drinking alcohol seems like an easy fix to take the pain away. This temporary solution just ends up creating bigger problems for the individual in the long run. The individual will just become more and more tolerant of alcohol and wind up needing larger quantities to get the desired effect.

Alcohol addiction and alcoholism over time will leave a person in Folkston, Georgia physically ill, as alcohol harms every organ in the body. Some who is drinking is also not in their right mind, and makes choices which negatively impact their life and the lives of those around them. The choices a person makes while addicted to alcohol will destroy everything in their life if they don't get help.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs in Folkston are available for individuals who know they have a problem and have the courage to face their issues with alcohol. There are a number of Alcohol Addiction Rehabs in the area. At an Alcohol Rehab Program individuals can be in an environment where they can address the psychological and emotional issues that may have caused their alcoholism.

Individuals suffering from alcohol addiction and alcoholism in Folkston, GA. can become physically dependant to alcohol over time. It can be almost impossible to quit "cold turkey" because of this. Alcoholism Rehabs in Folkston, GA. are knowledgeable in getting someone through alcohol withdrawal and detoxification as part of treatment. This is an individual's best bet to get through withdrawal and onto their next steps of rehabilitation.

There are a number of alcohol addiction and alcoholism treatment options available in Folkston, Georgia including Long-term Alcoholism Treatment Programs, Outpatient Alcoholism Treatment Facilities, Short-term Alcohol Addiction Rehabilitation Centers, Inpatient Alcoholism Treatment Centers, support group meetings, counseling, halfway houses and sober living.

All it takes is the decision to change your life for the better. Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs work and they are available for you today. Make the decision to seek treatment and contact an Alcoholism Treatment Center in Folkston to find out which treatment option is best for you.

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  • A study reported that the percentage of batterers who are under the influence of alcohol when they assault their partners ranges from 60 to 70 percent rate.
  • Acamprosate is a drug that has been marketed as being able to help alcoholics to sustain abstinence; it is reported to work on the glutamate system of the brain and is currently being made available in 37 countries throughout the world.
  • A person that is driving with who has consumed two cocktails is 10 times more likely to be in a fatal accident than a driver who has consumed no alcohol.
  • By age 15, an estimated 50% of America�''s boys and girls have had a whole drink of alcohol, not just a few sips.
  • AA Meetings in Folkston, GA.
  • Folkston Group
    74 Shady Lane
    Folkston, Georgia 31537

    Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Times
    Tuesday, 8:00 PM
    Thursday, 8:00 PM
    Monday, 8:00 PM
    Saturday, 8:00 PM

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